My father mentally harasses me almost everyday.

What should I do if my own biological father is verbally abusive to me all the time? Sometimes he tries to act decent but then again reverts to his emotionally abusive version, yesterday he even guilt tripped me into thinking that I was being too demanding when I was just asking for my older medicine to counteract my Rheumatoid Arthritis condition instead of the new similar pills he got me. In a shocking reveal, it turned out that he was so stubborn on me taking the new replaced med because they were thrice cheaper than my original medicine, I can't believe he has stooped so low that he would trade my health for money. When he was sick, he would blame it on my aunt and her cooking skills when the matter of fact was his liver was on the verge of cirrhosis, I made him go through several tests to determine the underlying cause behind his deteriorating health, for which I certainly didn't receive any acknowledgement, let any gratitude however I was indeed brutally shamed and belittled for my concern by being called as an overthinker and a very pessimistic person, my pessimism saved his damn life and yet he is not only being ungrateful but has relaunched his even worse shade of abusive traits which were getting dusted and buried from his once unidentified medical condition. I also have anxiety. Not just ordinary anxiousness but actual GAD, generalized anxiety disorder, and his constant toxicity is leaving no stone unturned to aggravate my condition into worse psychological disorders.