Someone torturing online mistakenly or intentionally

The person I know from Facebook I don't have any more connections.last two days she chatted continuously very well and very loving way yesterday she said that she mistakenly chatted with me she thought someonelse.. . I thought that the chat was with me. She told me she is making a hat crochet for me so I asked everything was mistaken. after sometimes she gets angry.. She said Someone used to make fake profiles and talk to her . First she thought I am the guy mistakenly.. after sometime she said i am the person who create fake profiles.. I said i am not the person you misunderstood me.. She said she will give a complaint against me and police they will find you. you are using vpn you are a liar, I have relationship with many women,etc . She said she knows me etc.. it's really torturing state . I am already in under anxiety and depression. I have also struggling life. My bad time that I initiated the chat two days back. Really frustrated. She is saying I am Muslim guy but I am a Hindu guy. Everytime i am getting this kind of nuisance in my internet space . I don't know what to do. Please anyone lighten me up πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™ Hey Prabhu kya hua πŸ™