Employer wrongful reduced the benefit of employee.

CHSS means contributory health service scheme for availing the medical facility provided by employer to the employee and the dependents. SAC Ahmedabad circular no: SAC/CHSS/34/2018 dated 10th December 2018 says the eligibility criteria in general of dependent family members for availing CHSS facilities are brought out as “Parents who are residing with the employees and whose income from all sources does not exceed Rs 18000/- per month including pension, dearness pension, dearness relief and pension equivalent of DCRG ”. The revamping of Contributory Health Service Scheme Mechanism was done as per DOS File no DS_5-14011/5/2021-Section_5-DOS dated 1st May 2023. CHSS revamping committee has decided that the existing income limit for dependency for the purpose of extending CHSS coverage to family members of the CHSS covered employees/pensioners is revived to Rs 9000/- per month + applicable DA/DR (inclusive of income from all sources including pension, dearness pension, dearness relief and pension equivalent of DCRG). Earlier income limit criteria for the parents who are dependents was Rs 18000/- per month whereas latest income limit criteria for the parents who are dependents is revised to Rs 9000 + X % of DR. The income from pension of every individual increase as per the government rules and with time. Instead of increasing the income limit criteria from Rs 18000/- per month the CHSS revamping committee revised the amount to Rs 9000/- per month + applicable DA/DR. In this process dependents of many employee will not eligible for availing the CHSS facility. Which section of law will be applicable to make a complain against the organization?