376’2 n case problems and solutions

I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years on behalf of promise of marriage, we were about to get married this year but all of sudden he cheated on me and got married to someone else from his community.. I’ve placed a complaint against him because he took around 15lacks including expensive things and cash and online payments too, I don’t have anyone in my family as i lost my parents in covid.. i am single daughter, my main question is his bail got rejected from session court but he got bail by high court and its been more than 160 days charged sheet is not presented till yet, i have even approached to SP sir in this thing but he is still doing his job in MNC company in pune, he is living same life the one who is facing all problem is me, how can i help myself in this thing.. police is taking too much time, and he got married and living happily… i really want justice for myself.. he took my hard earn money, his family blackmail me, they tried everything to hurt me.. i live single, please help me out… also please suggest how can i do something so my case start fast..