Producing forged medical documents

Recently, I came across a case where an employee had been relieved by a government office with the directions to report to his parent department. The Accounts wing of the said office intimated the parent department that his salary has not been drawn from the date of his relieving i.e. 27.03.2023. The parent department persued all available records and found no evidence of him reporting back. A show cause notice was issued to the employee for unauthorised absence of 5 months. He responded with a written statement in his defence, stating that he is suffering from epilepsy for which he has been undergoing treatment at a Government hospital. He also produced medical certificates, the integrity of which is doubtful. The signatures and dates seem digitally manipulated. The issue regarding authenticity of the documents has been taken up with the purported issuing authority (Chief Medical Officer). My question is that if proven to be fabricated, how can the parent department proceed in the matter? What disciplinary action does the matter attract? Thanks.