False allegations

It is regarding a false accusation made against me and a colleague which was send to me as a voice note in whatsapp and several concerning events involving the Managing Director of our company during our trip to Dubai.The purpose of our trip to Dubai was initially presented to us as a company formation endeavor. However, it became evident that the real motive behind the trip was to conceal an illicit relationship between a female employee and the Managing Director. Prior to our departure, the girl's mother contacted me personally and informed me that her daughter would be staying with us, expressing regret at the prospect of her daughter being accompanied by the Managing Director due to his history of relationships with female employees and their subsequent removal from the company, often accompanied by compensation packages. Consequently, in order to mask their live-in relationship, we traveled together to Dubai, despite there being no legitimate company formation activities taking place apart from suspicious transactions. During our time in Dubai, a distressing incident occurred involving the Managing Director and an individual he had connected with via Telegram. On May 25th, at 9:05 Dubai time, we all met at a Starbucks coffee shop as arranged, but the person failed to show up. The following day, this individual contacted the Managing Director again, and due to his inebriation, he requested that I and another colleague, meet the person at a different coffee shop around 2:15 pm Dubai time to conduct a transaction involving USDT worth 15 lakhs. It is important to note that the Managing Director was constantly in contact with us throughout this process, providing instructions and guidance over the phone. Regrettably, while we were engaged in the transaction, the scammer managed to hack my colleagues phone and completed the transaction without our knowledge.Upon returning to the apartment, we discovered the fraudulent activity that had taken place. What strikes me as peculiar and highly suspicious is the lack of action taken by the Managing Director despite having the contact information of the scammer. Normally, one would expect immediate reporting to the authorities or law enforcement in such circumstances. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the Managing Director, who often boasts of his expertise in cryptocurrencies, was unwilling to carry out the transaction himself and meet the scammer citing his indulgence in alcohol consumption as the reason. This raises serious doubts about his involvement and intentions, particularly considering his past experience with similar scams that resulted in him being imprisoned in Bahrain. It appears that this entire incident may be an act of revenge orchestrated by him.