Mental harassment by husband and mother-in-law
Mental harassment by husband and mother-in-law: I was married 6 months back, on the first day of marriage my husband aged 42 was able to perform intercourse, by which I lost virginity, on the second day my husband tried to perform intercourse but he was a total flop, since then he did not touch me, we lived almost 2 months together, during these two months husband and mother-in-law gave lots of mental torture to me, to hide his impotence my husband use to tell that you have to take total care of his mother and father, only by then he will touch me, he was not talking to me form the 3rd day of marriage to hide his impotence, Ashada masa they sent me to my parental home, but they do not want me to come to their matrimonial home, even when I call over mobile phone he shouts at me in vulgar words, probably to hide his impotence or may be his affair, this is my assumption, he told over phone that we both will be mutually separated, you leave in your parental home I will leave alone. I am totally afraid of my marital situation and want to commit suicide, please help me.