Parental maintanence under CrPC 125 regarding

I am a Government employee and earn Rs. 25000 per month and I live in Bhopal. I am married 6 yrs ago and have a 4 yr old daughter. I have a younger sister who is also married and also I had a younger brother who expired in an accident. I was born in a poor family in a village in Chhindwara District. My father is a drunkard and was a parasite on my mother for all his needs right from the beginning. My mother worked as a helper in Anganwadi. She resigned 3.5 yrs ago. My father never took care of any of us in the family. My mother nourished me when I was very young. I became independent very soon. I started working part time when I was 10 yr old and sustained my school life as well. I also got my sister married with the small earnings I had. After I got a job I took good care of my parents. With increasing comforts my father became more and more parasitic and his bad habits went to a peak. He always drunk and quarreled with my mother and all other family members to the extent that we are now unable to bear him. He gambles, smokes and drinks all day. I asked my parents to stay with me in Bhopal and shifted them but after a short time my father fought with me and left to the village again. I stopped paying for his needs and asked him to earn by himself as he is fit enough and only 50 yrs old. Four years back I bought a house in Bhopal through the housing board lottery system in my father’s name thinking that he will not interfere in my property issues. I paid 4.5 lakhs for the house and got my name also attached to the property recently. I also bought a plot with a housing loan of 17.5 lakhs in partnership with my wife. I pay an EMI of Rs. 19000 per month. I pay my mother Rs. 2000 every month for her maintenance but now she is not staying with my father. Now my father has filed a case for maintenance against me and demands Rs. 6000 per month from me. He stays in that village and is also a BPL (below poverty line) card holder. I don’t want to pay him any maintenance as he has never fed me and he still continues his bad habits. He is fit to work but is lazy. More over the house which I bought in his name is ready for possession but he is denying to sign in the registry papers. Please suggest me how to proceed so that I get my house as well as avoid paying the maintenance.