Demand of seller to RTO for removal of his name as registered owner of motor vehicle after sale.

I Sold and delivered old 2 -wheeler along with RC, insurance, Copy of duly filled form 29 and form 30 of RTO to the Buyer/Transferee living in same RTO jurisdiction in Nagpur, and sent a copy of form 29 duly filled and signed to RTO by registered post AD and acknoweledgement obtained within 14 days of sale. A sale document also signed and thumbprinted for biometric identification giving particulars of sale and aadhar, addresss, email of each parties and also mobile number taken. In sale document the Buyer gave undertaking that he will complete RTO formalities of transfer of ownership in 30 days. But the Buyer so far not submitted application to RTO to transfer ownership in his name even after 5 months over. I have sent several reminders using mobile, email, whatsapp, registered post but he is evading on some or other pretexts. In meanwhile I complained to RTO about this by registered post, official email of RTO about 3 months ago but no response. Then about 12 days ago I again submitted representation to RTO backed by Affidavit and copy of all documents attached personally under ack demanding 1. My name must be removed or deemed to be removed as registered owner of vehicle wef. date of sale as I am no longer vehicle owner and all rules prescribed under MVA section 50 and and CMV rules 55 for seller of vehicle are followed by me irrespective whether the Buyer has followed rules or not. 2. Action be taken against the buyer if he is not following rule including suspension, cancelation of registration, seizing or impounding of the vehicle in accordance with law. I also submitted that The buyer is given delivery of vehicle and documents as stipulated in form 29 to facilitate transfer of ownership in RTO record and this cannot be construed as permission to use vehicle in public places by the seller. So use of vehicle by the Buyer is unauthorized and unlawful. I also submitted to RTO that practice of continuing the vehicle registration in name of seller even after the seller has duly informed about sale and followed all rules, exposes the seller to be falsely implicated for any use-misuse by the buyer hence the name of seller must be removed as registered owner and the vehicle registration be put in abeyance and action be taken against the buyer and vehicle be stopped from plying in public places unless the buyer transfer ownership in his name. I am awaitng RTO response. I am not a lawyer but I have good knoweledge of law I want opinion on following points- 1. On demand that my name be removed as registered owner of vehicle despite the fact that the Buyer has not submitted the form 30 and paid fees of transfer. 2. What lawful action RTO should take on this. 3. Why the seller should still be liable in anyway even when he has done all duties asigned to him under law? 4. If seller should inform police about the sale. what action can police take on such complaint under which section?