What type of action my PSU organization will take on me behalf of below NOC matter

I'm not present on that r.PSU while applying to o.PSU, and join this next o.PSU with taking proper releveing and DISCHARGE from r.PSU ( without NOC, ) I have joined r.PSU on 15 September 22 and before that i was filled application form of O.psu on 10 may 22 and appread exam on 12 August 22, but DV of O. PSU is done on 12 jan 2023, in that time I was presented in r.PSU, Recently I have joined O. PSU but with same case of one candidate is comes from my r. PSU and he's joining is not accepted by my O. PSUs another office ( both joining is in different office but organization is same). While coming to medical in O. PSU,I also submitted my that time working declaration is I'm working in r. PSU that time my office HR is said we required your releving letter from your r. PSU we will give you joining, they said NOC not needed in this case. But with same case joining of one candidate is not accepted by another office of my O. PSU organization, Now problem is that the head authorities know that whole what's happening here, and also that( joining not accepted) candidate does a legal case against O. PSU and giving my reference, So I want to ask is there what types of action will take on me??