Internship - Leaving without notice period

Hello, I would like to inquire about the possibility of facing legal repercussions from an Indian company if an employee departs without fulfilling the notice period in an internship. For the past year, I have been working remotely from the UAE for an Indian company in a developer intern role receiving stipend every month. However, the job mainly involved training, which I repeatedly informed the employer was not relevant to my experience. The employer assured me that they were starting a consultancy and that it would provide valuable experience. But it never happened. After several months of job searching, I have received a favorable offer in the UAE. Unfortunately, the new company requires me to join immediately, as early as next week. However, my offer letter from the current company states a notice period of 30 days, with no mention of the consequences for not adhering to it. My current employer is now threatening to take extreme measures to create issues for me due to my failure to serve the notice period. I would appreciate your advice on this matter.