Mv accident

Dear attorneys I need your honest help in saving my child. My child and another girl are very good friends and one fine day my child friend bunked the school and constantly called my child and woke her up to come and pick her up from the college. My child was having a holiday and she was sleeping and the time at approx 8:00 am. While my kid was sleeping we both parents locked the house and went for a medical appointment thinking my child will not get up. After constant calls from her friend my child woke up and and accidently took upon herself thinking her friend is in need and taken the battery driven two wheeler which requires driving license. Her friend asked my child to drop her to the grand parents home and my daughter accepted it and drove her to the GO home. On the way they met with an accident and my daughter friend who is a pillion driver was dead. Now the parents of the girl filed a complaint stating that my daughter killed their child. Yes my daughter did a big mistake by taking the vehicle however they both mutually agreed to travel together and moreover my child woke up in hurry and she did not even understand what she was doing and taken the vehicle out without parents permission because we were not home. How can i deal with this situation and what is the worst i can expect to happen? Can one of you recommend me the best course of action to see if i can assist my child. I know my child is wrong and we are repenting everyday that why did we leave home that day. Sai Kumar