Child custody

My wife live separately from 1week with my kids .she dont let to take my kids for schools not she admitted them to school. My father was expired on 2020 all his self acquire property were in his name till now. I have a joint account with my elder brother where we keep the money for selling a price of land to the government.on consultatiion with my mom and my brother to repair our hoise where we all live we withdraw some amount and handed to my elder brother and begin repairing.he care for us after my father expired.she sought that she had not given her shade or my share. In pass few years she did the same process and go to her home mortgage gold en ornaments she wear which was fitted to her by my parents.that mortgage items were again redeem by my parents and let her wear it.this process began to continue again and agains. She repeatedly apart from me and make me restlessness in life .but now she demand me if my fathers self acquire property is decided with my elder brother then she will return home otherwise she will not return at any cost. What shall I do I dont want my kids to drop there study this year and dont want untai relationship with my parents.