Minor spelling mistake in father's name in document

Hello, This question is regarding a typo error happened way back in my school days-- 1. My father's name is 'Dilip', he too writes it like this and has same spelling at all his documents. Now at school in 10th marksheet it came as 'Dileep' which is i-->ee . 2. After this I decided to keep same 'ee' for rest of my academic records expect my Adhaar and PAN because my father believes all his documents have 'i' so better keep 'i' in documents other than academics. 3.Now this situation is what I'm looking a way out of should I Update his name with 'ee' in my Adhaar and PAN to achieve consistency in all my documents ? 4. Or there is another way around because my father uses his right spelling 'i' one at all his documents so documents such as Electricity bill or Tax return statement (because sometimes I use them as my address proof) don't match 5. Now , Name of father in Daughter's documents is different from what in Father's own documents. Will this cause issue somewhere..? Rejection or something in Passport of other things. 6. What could be the most efficient solution for this to remove all discrepancies that states both spellings are right 'i' and 'ee' one is same person just he uses 'i' while daughter(me) has 'ee' in all records. This is my long headache concern. It is a minor one with long explanation but I'm really hopeful that this platform with such experienced and brilliances would definitely have fix for my issue here.