Change middle name of wife in marriage certificate

Yesterday only I have applied for marriage registration in dadar 'G' North ward BMC office. It was my arrange marriage and after marriage I have also made gazette of my wife to change her middle name from her father's name to my name. The marriage registrar says we have to change it before marriage which was impossible for me as I was not aware of such situation and due to our arrange marriage during lockdown period. It was in such hurry that we couldn't hardly spoke about anything to each other before marriage and such things we didn't knew also. So I have already applied for marriage registration as I said above but am unhappy because my name wouldn't be mentioned with my wife name as her middle name instead of her father's name. So I have ask how I can change her middle name from her father's name to my name as I have gazette also which I also said above along with newspapers also. Also her address with my address. Even her other documents like aadhar, pan, voting Card and bank Passbook also have my name as middle name as proof.