Dog bite accident- who to report?

Hello! I have been bitten by two street dogs in my gated RWA colony in west Delhi when I was returning home late when the incident happened. The bites are on my left calf, right knee, left bottom and left wrist. Some bled and some bruised severely. I had entered the society gate and was walking home when two street dogs came running and bit me. It took a second to sink in and I tried to remove myself from their hold. Then I screamed for the society guard to help and he came with a stick to drive them away. But by then I was already bleeding from several punctures on my left leg. The society has cameras installed so, I believe the incident was captured. I have also clicked pictures of the bites on my clothes and otherwise. Since they are street dogs I’m not sure if they are vaccinated, have been sterilised, if someone is feeding them, etc. While I am an avid dog lover, the incident has moved me to ask if the dogs can be removed? Please guide how to ask for their removal ( if there is a way)? Which authority should it be applied to and how to apply for the same? Greatly appreciate all help! Thank you!