Reagrsing will deed

Dear sir, My father grand mother (My father mother mother) has 6 acre agriculture land willed to my father name along with my father mother. In 2000. My fatger grand mother expired in 2004 My father grand mother have only one douther (she is my father mother) My father have 2 sisters. Ofter deth of my father garnd mother, my father sisters Make RTC my father mother name. My father has appeal to civil court opposit of my father mother as per will deed all properry belongs to me ( case no : 21/2011 civil court Badami taluka, dist: Bagalkot) My father mother expired on 2008 Before death of my father mother was make will deed to my father sister ( ofter my death all property belongs to my douters only) But my father was expired on 2015.....we will continue to case in court.... We are win the case.... Judment got on 20017.( our will deed is prove ) We are raplace grand mother name to our names in RTC as per judment. But now my father sisters are appeal to distict court In district court dec 15 th while judment. But we have tention.... Kindy suggest...... 🙏🙏