Mental Harassment by Wife

My wife is an house wife and i have 2 kids. I am regularly paying her pocket money of INR 15000 on monthly basis for her personal expenses. Inspiite of that , she abuses me in front of kids for money and use bad words for my sister and mother .In addition to her pocket money , i do other expenses on her as well. My marriage was with no dowry and it is 16 years old. I cant keep my mother ( 72 years old) , as she fights for her and mentally harasses her. If i intervene , she not only abuses but threatens to file divorce case in court. My mother has decided to live separately due to this and now she lives alone in her ancestral house These incidents of fight and abuse has increased and now affecting the personality make up of my kids and mine. I have complained of this to her mother but she seems helpless on it. Now my daughter (15 years old) has started disrespecting me as well. Mental stress and verbal abuse from my wife ranges from using bad words for me , my mother, my family and even doing false character assassination, allegations in front of my kids. This is not only impacting my social circle but my health and job as well. She is very loud in her abuses and has tainted my image in the society where i am living in and relations. Please suggest a legal remedy or for the god sake a remedy so that i and my kids , mother can live a peaceful life.