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Torture by a neighbour by filing cases again and again

Dear Ma'm I am Jagruti Thakur. We reside in Ankleshwar Gujarat. There is a neighbour (Mr. Gandhi) who is head of the society. Once he came and insulted my mother on some matter in the absence of my father and brother. After my father came home he called Mr. Gandhi and eventually, the issue heated up wherein my father used slang against him. Mr. gandhi intentionally provoked my father and recorded everything. He went to police and filed a complaint against my father, with false charges of acquisition of common plot and attacking him. Police called my father illtreated him and my brother as they heard the recording. This complaint was done on 24/04/14. After the complaint my mother filed a complaint against Mr. Gandhi for insulting and mental torture which somehow went to court. After the first complaint my father took the bail. Now Mr. Gandhi had again filed a complaint against my father with false charges of attack, as he is going to conduct a meeting for removing us from membership of society. Again my father and brother were called to police station and sat there for hours. There are few points to be noted 1. Mr. Gandhi is a lawyer 2. The common plot issue came because few years back Mr. Gandhi and other committee members wanted to install a mobile tower to which my family denied, as our house is just beside the common plot. There were monetary benefits involved for Mr. gandhi in this and we knew of the health hazards of radiation from tower 3. Mr. Gandhi has insulted my mother many times and everytime my father had fought with orally. 4.Many other committee members are with Mr. gandhi. They had also signed the application against my father. 5. My sister's marriage is scheduled on June 6, 2014 and we have been called more than 10 times to police station based on that CD of recorded abusive language. 6. My father and brother are doing business and I am a research Scholar at IIT kharagpur My mother is under depression after this incident. She holds herself responsible for all this embarrassment to my father and many times tell us that she will do suicide and write a letter against Mr. Gandhi. I am worried about the situation, my father is also old. Such insult at this age may harm him also. We don't how to handle this case. I need your advice over this, as to how extent laws can be twisted and used. Mr. Gandhi asks for police protection every now and then saying my father will attack him. Now he is intentionally playing with us. We have this function also. Is there any way to get rid of all this police matters for 15 days so that marriage would get over peacefully. The atmosphere at my home is horrible and negative. Help is required badly -Regards Jagruti