After 27years a daughter have any right to file partiion suit on her mother's self acquired property

Dear sir /madam the self acquired property transferred through registered sale fallowing below way. 1) from Narasimha to Narayana through registered sale in 1970 2) from Narayana to Gangadevi through registered sale in 1975 3) From Gangadevi to Ashwat through registered sale in 1994 4)From Ashwath to his widow Wife Saraswati through powthi varasu in 2017 5) From Saraswathi to Padma through registered sale in 2021. My name Padma. in Feb 2021 purchased a piece of land from Saraswati'shi. After I purchase this land ,The daughter of Gangadevi rise the right to file partiion suit against Sarawathi in the city civil court.and also pittition and abjection for khatha and mutation in favour of myself. My questions 1) now I am too much disturbing .what can I (padma) do now ? 2)Why the court /Lawyer accept Partiion suit filled by The daughter of Gangadevi after 27years 3) is any punishment or penalty file partiion suit to break the law of limitation period ? 4)how many hearings takes this disputes in the court. 5)I know this is wrongness file partiion suit .but why court/lawyer accept this wrong case. Please suggest me . Thanking you sir/madam