Troublesome inlaws

After few years marriage my husband's. Brother m his family shifted to Pune same place where we day while he went there to help shifting I tried calling him he didn't respond but I went there to their home and o saw him standing with his brother's wife chatting and shifting small cupboard and didn't realize I'm waiting for five minutes she told him go now leave me when I called him to go to market this she has done it three to four time that to in front of him and he always gave explanation to her I'm coming ...she gets upset seeing us eat in one plate and with irritation asks me why both are eating go take another husband also keeps running to their hone at least twice a day...he did everything for them when he wasn't married and now even after marriage hiding and doing for them, giving money and other things which I have strong feeling.. What should I do when I ask him he starts abusing me n then I kept firm n keep on asking then he says what do I know you ask her or confront her that is your problem but if I do so I know he will take her side and insult me in front of her.its like she's done magic on him...he's not worried that our marriage will end ...not worried for our son but cares for her children ...I'm having blood pressure and anxiety n depressed ...he's very good at covering their wrong doings..please help