
Hi! My husbunt refuze to provide papers for my son passport! My son and I we live in Romania he is in US! Also I want to take my vacation in Emirates with my son! My son and I live in Romania since 2017, husbunt lives in USA we only go there for one month In 2018!Planing to divorce. 2019 He visit his son in Romania and I asked him to divorce but he refuse to divorce until child is 18! Since the child lives with me I like to travel with him! But dad refuse to let him in one month's vacation with me there and we cannot renew passport s (American & renew for the minor) I try to talk to him and he said to live the kid in Romania! I want to take him with me! So this way he is stopping me to go in any vacation over seas! What I can do since I ve heard that it s ileagal to keep the child without documents?? We have I'd s and Rezidency papers but cannot apply for passports. I lost two jobs back in UAE becouse of inability to take my son with me due to his refuse to let the minor to travel. So is affecting my ability to have a better life. Neigher my son or I Don t want to return to US. We cannot buy a home lowers here advised that will be share half and half with him and we will need signiture from him. And the bank will not take in consideration any of his income becouse he s not Citizen in this country! That will give him the right to get in my house anytime he want since by low will be half owner and I Don t want him under the same roof with me that's why I left from his home! What you advise?? What chance I have to get my child custody, the boy is 15and always was with me father took care of our expenses! We married in 2004 but we were neighbours within the same home difrent rooms sleeping since 2008 so we r not a couple since 2008. 2017 I moved to Romania with my son! He is in USA working there! I want to divorce and keep the child with me! To start a brand new life ou can contact me at [deleted]