Mentally tourchered

My mother in law act so good and nice to me in front of other peoples and tell them that they have done so many good things to me but instead they mentally torture me by saying so many bad words and if I tell my husband then he never listen to me and always supports his mom...I try so hard to adjust in the family by giving gifts to every one and doing both my bisiness and household work but they are never satisfied and always pinch me with indirect words and talking shit about my parents,family and friends they don't like anyone who is close to me.When my mother died I was so mentally disturbed and even at that time they used their brain and I was unable to see my mom even in the last moment...They didn't let me to spend me few days with my mom even by knowing that my mom is dying of cancer and and is in last stage of life...Even after that I tried to adjust but now she is making rumors in my place about me saying bad words to people around about me...I tried so hard to be a good daughter in law bit now I am done and can't take this pressure any more..I am suffocating..please help me ..What can I do?