Whether eligible for pay protection??

Mr. "A" was an state govt employee in rajasthan in old pension scheme in pay scale [deleted] +GP 3200. He applied for the post of a central govt in new pension acheme with pay scale [deleted]+ GP 4200 and got selected. He also took permission from his previous department. But at that time there was no provision for state govt employee in central govt to take the benefit of their past service rendered to state govt. So Mr "A" had to had voluntary retirement and join there in central govt at initial pay which was less than previous pay in state govt. But now central govt (DOPT) issued a letter and as per this letter those state govt employees who took voluntary retirement and joined central govt service after 2004 may take the benefit of old pension scheme if they deposited all the pensionery benefit received from state govt and their voluntary retirement may be treated as technical resignation. I want to know wether i claim for pay protection from the date i joined in central govt.??