Tenant is harassing the owner to pay rent

Hi, I am an old lady and I have a commercial property that I bought after my husband passed away - I have rented out to a startup who is into software training. The agreement clearly said a lock in period of 11 months and 2 months of notice.. the tenant came in May 2019 and after a couple of discussions in Feb 2020 agreed to stay until end of May 2020 (11 months + 2 month notice) and the tenant has acknowledged the same over email that she will leave by end of May. Now since Corona has made times difficult, she is unwantedly taking use of this situation and saying she will not pay rent for April and May. Though she was functional in month of April - I have screnshot of where she has organized training for April. She is forcefully taking advantage of the situation and is forcing and threatening me that she will go to court if I don't give the full deposit. A few facts: Since the tenant was a start up and led by a girl, I wanted to help her on humanity basis, below proof is also in agreement: In May 2019 - we charged the tenant half the rent From June- oct the rent was 25000 From Oct onwards the rent was 27000 She also has not paid full rent from Oct. During Corona times, I am not able to help her anymore, I am heavily dependant on the rent. Am I obliged to help her? Is there a law by the government for commercial properties in Bangalore around this? She also went to the local police station and the police station forced me to come during the covid times, I did turn up somehow (no autos and communtation available) and I explained my situation to which the inspector agreed and said this needs to be solved on humanitarian basis. But wht can I do if I can't help her? Don't startups know the risk of not being able to perform? Why is she forcing me? Because I am an old lady? I really think the company is lying and taking advantage of covid times. Kindly guide and help me with my rights.