Legal Heirs

Property was in the name of Grandmother only - After her death there was no will - However the property was then transferred to Grandfather - (There was no nomination form for the same in the name of grandfather - as far as we have the information from society) - They had 6 kids - 4 staying outside India since property was purchased and 2 staying in India - One of the legal heir (son) who was staying in India has been staying in the property since it was bought in 1980 with grandfather - both staying in same property (since past 40 years approx) - Death of Grandfather in 2000 - nomination made in the name of elder son - who is residing in USA since 1980 and never stayed in the property - Society transferred name & share certificate in the name of elder son in 2009 - Till this time all the bill and other expenses related to property was taken care by son living in the property - once name transferred society rejected to take any further maintenance bill - so elder brother is paying maintenance bill since past 2014 - Question is - society is planning to go for redevelopment and the son (currently living in property - age 72 retired) does not want to move out of property as he does not have any other property or source of income - Neither he wants to take his share and leave the property (as he wont be able to buy any property with that share) - However can he stay in the new property once its redeveloped or will he have to fight a case in the court to stay - he does not want his share and just wants to stay in the property - Plz suggest: - As he may not be able to stop redevelopment - whose name the property will be once the new property is redeveloped - will it be in the name of all six heirs or just one legal heir who had his name on the nomination form (elder son) - Can the society transfer the nomination in the name of elder son in 2009 - without taking confirmation from other legal heir - Can the nomination be considered void if there was no nomination or will from grandmother to grandfather - all the name of the legal heirs can be listed on the property ? Thanks