Are whatsapp chat grounds for divorce and any legal action against the third party, being mutual tho

Being active on social media, me by chance had an opportunity to meet a married woman online. It was supposed to be purely casual, but gradually we happened to talk and share bout each other's social and personal life. And the intimacy gradually developed leading to some often morally questionable exchange of texts and voice. As it was so very consensual and was performed in the most appropriate circumstances, we maintained a healthy relationship purely meant to serve voids in our personal life. Few days back, this lady informed me her husband caught hold of the texts and she was worried. Does this conducive enough for any legal action against me or her? There was no intention of mine to outrage her modesty whatsoever and whatever happened was merely 'call of time'. I am embarrassed for the deeds committed from my end as it was not ethical enough. However given the expansive presence of social media, this incident is one of many encounters being transpired. Kindly suggest me the best recourse.