Issue at work place to avail maternity leave

I am 28 years old women, I am workng with a firm from past 3 years now. Currently I am 8 months pregnant and due to my low lying placenta my doctor has suggetsed me to not to travel to work and work from home till the condition gets better. I am working from home from past 2 and half months and will have to continue the same as per my doctor's suggestion. I wrote a mail stating to extend the work from home till Jan 2020 and the next growth scan, My CEO replied stating that the company cannot afford to extend work from home, and the financial status of the company is also not good. without even discussing with me he is asking me to handover all my work as soon as possible before 31st Dec and that will be by last working day. As per the nature of my job, since its a start up they involved me in multiple roles from past 3 years and they had lot of changes in the business ideology they had started with. I am completing all my tasks assigned to me on a immediate basis whenever they arise. He is now asking me to leave without even speaking to me about it, even if i resign I am supposedd to serve notice period for 3 months as per my offer letter. Also to bring to the notice that, there is no leave policy at my firm, no PF, no medical insurrance, and no where mentioed anything about maternity leave or benefits since its a start up. There is only TDS deductions from the slaary we recieve. I will have to revert to my boss's mail, I will have to demend for what I deserve as I also have my personal & financial dependencies. Please help me out with best solution for availing the maternity benefits and how can I take this further and what should I reply to him.