Case claimed saying it is an ancestral property

The said court suit claims that in 1960s 85acres of land was aloted to three people by government they individualy had their families and the died without giving any will then the second generation people also died without any will then the third generation people developed layout of the land and sold it to around 172 members.. now sons of one of the of the third generation person who are now 24,25 years of age have filed a case on all their third generation family members even their father and all the 172 mem who bought it claiming that they didnkt get any money from that and it is sold illegally without their sign they should get 1/72nd of the share of total land and they didnkt get it.. They filed the case in 2019 with the records of 2003 which was when the land was developed into layout and sold so the court notice went to the owners of 2003 but many of them have sold it and in my case im the third owner after the person who received notice.. so the person who received notice anyhow had sold the land so he'll not attend the hearing and not respond to the court statement so should we attend the court because my land is now in my name and is the case valid actually the persons who filed the case also live in the same locality and doesn't the court ask them what were they doing in these many years and is this kind of case be valid now