Legal procedure to get seperated from sexually incompetent husband ?

My husband is sexually Incompetent which I didn't know before our arranged marriage. We are married for 3 years now but there is no physical relationship between us at all. I have been given false promises from him about having baby all these days but poor me I could not understand to have baby we must have sexual relationship. Instead of focusing on that I'm made to engage in verbal arguments with regular in-law fights which caused me much mental trauma. All these days I just believed his blatant lies and hoped to have nice future. I tried to spoke to him about our problem but he is not ready to solve this problem in any way including medications or counseling any doctors. And it seems he doesn't even have any past relationships. Only thing he says he is stressed out hence he is not interested in sex. But now I understood that this way of living life has no meaning to it instead I only got blames and disrespect from his family. Since he never revealed what's his problem is now I concluded that he must be sexually incompetent. He betrayed me of my rights as his wife to know his problem, he has no worries about my sexual needs. How do I get this sort out ? How do I teach him a lesson for his betrayal ? PS : I am working Hindu woman, how about my options of taking alimony from him ?