Validity of will executed by grandmother to her relative

My Grandmother executed a will to give her share of ancestor property to her relative. My mother filled a case that it was a faked will and Lower Civil court passed a judgement in favor of my mother saying that execution of Will by grand mother is not proved The reason said in the jugdement: Attesting witness and grandmother not alive, 1. Deposition by relative in the court that draft of will is prepared at grandmother house , but she is not aware of the details of the place wherein the same was written and signed 2. Plaintiff witness’s deposition that will was written and signed at his document writer office. His deposition is that draft of will alone was prepared at the residential house of the testator 3. As per Will, it is stated that the same was written and signed at grandmother house. Now my relative again went for appeal saying that above depostion is not significant . As my mother have financial issues, she is not planing to appoint any advocate. My question is whether appeal court will execute a judgement in her favour if we are not appearing for the case