Property Division Issue

Hi, My Grandfather had 4 sons (2 died in 90s unmarried) and 2 daughters (married with 3 children each). He has 7 Acre Land + 6 Houses (5 in Village & 1 in city). My father passed away in 2014. So only son remains is my Uncle. He has the hold of all 7 Lands + 3 houses which rent he collects. On the other side we are given a small house in village + another one which my father reconstructed himself & out of which we get rent circa 20-25k/month. My Uncle is a Government employee and he gets more than 50k from rent from those 2 houses + he has hold on the Land as well from which he gives us only 50k per annum. He has two daughters (unmarried). My Grandfather has always been partial to my father and provides all the facility or monetary help to only uncle not to us. Even in my marriage he didn't help with a single penny but funded my Uncle with Rs. 125000 and loaned his own friend Rs.600000 and another Rs.1200000 for a plot booking last year and another Rs. 2500000 some 10-12 years ago. He hasn't demanded that money back from them. But from us he expects to pay e-bill and even he asks for small amount such as Rs. 100, 500 or 1000 etc. So now he was asked to prepare a Will last year in which he distributed 3 Lands to us 3 Lands to Uncle and 1 to himself (which obviously will go to Uncle's share). 2 houses to us 2 houses to him and 2 divided among us. The Will is stamped from Registrar but I'm unable to find the records of submission online. I've the Original papers somehow. Today he made the statement that he won't give anything to us until he lives. And everything is under my Uncle's control. So I'm unable to understand what to do and how to get our share peacefully as My Uncle has filed an application for Land Pooling which will have higher amount and I'm afraid he'll have the 80% and we'll get only 20% as my father share because he has mentioned in Will that his daughters won't get anything and they agreed as well not to demand anything later. But Uncle might keep 80% as their share 40% + his share 20% and grandfather's share 20%. If this happens this will be totally unfair and I don't want any fight or dispute but that doesn't seem inevitable to me. How to deal with this matter and how to get it done 50-50? Thank you in advance.