Mental Harrasment

I am working in an IT organization. I am one of the keen resource and worked solely past 18 months on a project without single escalation of issue. My reporting manager is 1 rank above then I. My promotion was pending. This year my manager planned and gave me the TP rating which is one of the worst rating where neither you can move to other project nor you can fill academy for growth, not even you can leave the organization because if you leave, company will never hire you back. I started raising my voice and asked to release me from the project and I don't won't to work with them. Now they have raised PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) coz I raised my voice. I took this matter to HR. HR is not responding over email and verbally he supported the management. After raising my voice to DU head and HR head finally they allowed project release for me but said as per company guidelines they can't assigned banch and I can only move project to project and till the time I have to work under the same manager. Once I got project release the PIP is null and void. But they are still sending emails of PIP and HR is silent on that. They are playing like a team. They have cancelled my festival leaves stating I am on PIP. Due to this continuous harassment I was mentally sick and now taking medication for anxiety and depression. I was in depression in 2012-2013 but now I am moving back to the same track. HR only suggesting relocation projects for me not the local ones they have. I am now mentally sick with these things. Please suggest what I can do in this regard.