Threathen to include name in suicide note

Hello My name is Chetan Rao and i stay in Ahmedabad with my wife and daughter. Im I have one younger brother Praveen and his wife is Reshma and they stay in Bangalore. From few days Reshma has been threatening my brother that he should not meet of greet any family members and also is threatening to end her life with a suicide note saying that Praveen, my wife and me had tortured her long ago when we were staying together till 1998. She also threatens my brother saying that i cheated her husband of the property and did not give their due share. In the year 2006, my brother and me also separated legally from our fathers property which is a registered document. Since then Me and my wife have been talking to my brother, however Reshma never wants to patch up and now with this threatening to end her life, i would like to ask the lawyer to suggest me what i should be doing to avoid future consequences in case she does what she wants to do. My wife and me do not want to get involved in a legal case later unnecessarily.