Not selected due to wrong job application fillings

Dear sir, I did a mistake in filling job application form of upsessb. A candidate had to fill only one category either boys schools category or girls school category. I mistakenly filled both in my application. At the time of interview, i got to know this mistake. I wrote an application addressing to authorities that my candidature should be considered in girls school category as i got my admit card for girls category schools. When the result was out, i got 295 marks and the girls category cutoff was 266 while for boys schools Category it was 306. I complaint about it to upsessb. As per them they considered my candidature in boys school category with their weird logic that that it was mentioned above the girls school category. And those candidates who ticked on both category school are considered in boys school category. There was also a condition mentioned in interview letter that if a female candidate did not fill any category school, they will be considered in the category which they filled in OMR sheet of written exam. I filled girls category in written exam OMR sheet. I am going to file a writ in court. Please tell me the possibility of my winning in this writ.