Our family waris rights@ 150 acres of land property.

Dear Sir && Madam, Laws Lawyer are as Old&&Gold Profession as Religions Water Fires Land && Sky. You are Super Heroes, please Help US to destroy Family's && Social Criminals who are causing problems & destroying Humanity. $# Family's Rights && Responsibility. Im Rashed Ahmed Salman. We're four brothers. We're now managing a small business && Im learning ICT Computer Graphics. Our mother's have 3 Sisters & 5 Brothers. Their father && mother (our Grand guardians) are the Owners of 150 Acres of Land property @5 mouza. The property ownership papers dated from 1946-47 when INDIA & PAKISTAN became two Great Nations. ## 3 Sisters & 5 Brothers problem:: Our mother's are 3 sisters & 5 brothers, among them 3 sisters & 2 brothers are no more living, 3 eldest brothers are now living. @# 3 eldest brothers are Regularly Causing CRISIS && CRIMINAL DEEDS:: They're not Completing Land papers (only RS Khotian done by Bangladesh Govt. Work) afterwards of 150 ACRES of Land Property @5 Mouza. Instead, they're telling us (their sisters children) to somehow manage rest of the papers && to handover to them their doubles {In Islamic Laws, brother gets twice property than sister}. They have some business & getting rents from the huge family property. Address of 150 Acres of Land Property @5 Mouza:: Volagang bazar, Kompanigong, Sylhet.