Total overdued not cleared by bank

Sir, i girish kumar having three accounts in obc kangra. two of them term loans ac no.[deleted] overdue (amount10273/- and other one account no. [deleted] overdue amount 41494.54/- and one cc limit ac no.[deleted] overdue amount 48562/- fix deposit of one lakh rupees pludg by bank in cc limit account now valued164000/-,and these all three accounts overdued since one year .now bank issue a notice regarding overdue accounts . bank says (you are requested to deposit the total overdue amount rs100329.54/-with in one week or we will liquidate the security attached in your OD account). now bank has attached my fix deposite of rs 164000/- and clear only one account([deleted] RS 48562/-) and remaining amount not being given to me and seez it in my CC account now bank refuse to clear other two accounts (ac no [deleted]&[deleted] ). when I talk to bank about that matter, bank manager said , its up to us, you what we will do . and now he force me to clear remaining two accounts at your own . Sir, i requested to help me.i have no other amount to clear that accounts