stop first notice to comeout

After all suggestion, I filled divorce case 13(1) on 15/5/2015 in family court. In the case I told that girl denied for marrige, and after so many call from my side, his family refuse to send him. And girl warn me if I disclose this marriage, girls gonna be suicide and all blame on me. 18/05/2015 was finalized to face magistrate first time, but due to magistrate's two holiday, I got only court date on 18/11/2015 for notice date. Now problem is all conversation disclosed in front of both family. huge family drama created by both families. After all request from family , I want to give her last chance to remain our marrige. I want to continue this marriage. How I could stop this notice to comeout from court. I just want to stop this notice. Magistrate's Holliday is on date 18/5/2015 to 20/5/2015 . Tell me only best suggestion. Any process any application will stop this notice to comeout??????? If there are! Then tell me the actual formats in behalf of taking last chance for this marriage.