What should I do?

I had a love marriage in November 2016 afterthe courtship of almost an yr. Before marriage my husband was caring and logical. However, he never cared to make a bonding between my in-laws and myself. Initially I was informed that my mother-in-law is a post office employee and have some mental illness. But he never clearly mentioned her symptoms and condition. Immediate after other marriage my husband just turned 180degree opposite and started illogical demands. Mostly were forcing me to follow their lifestyle blindly. My mother-in-law started manipulating me against every other family member with constant false words. On the other hand my father-in-law is reluctant about everything. Only thing which matters to him was his schedule, his food, and his every comfort. Even to them I was an outsider. Even they hated my connection with my parents. As an only child of my parents I have to take care of them, which they disapproved. Initially my mother-in-law started calling my mother and complained each step of mine. I was freelancing at this time which they didn't encourage. My husband, I don't know why acts very illogical and always follow my in-laws theory even if they are totally wrong. I was treated like an outsider in the house. After few months my husband got transferred to Kota for an year and apparently my in-laws indirectly blamed my father for my husband's transfer as both of them are in same field yet in different organizations. Things became steady as removed there and again I discovered that my husband has turned into one I knew before marriage. After an yr when we returned things started to get bad again as this time my father-in-law tried to forcefully teach me leasons. As a freelance content writer, I had to check internet very often. He went to my parents house and misbehaved with my parents without even saying a word to us. Even he misbehaved with me. I had to forcefully take a job in the same field to keep away from house. However, mt husband again turned into an illogical mindlesss person and took all the orders seriously and followed them. Initially my physical condition started to fall and none of my in-laws or even my husband cared for me or even tried to check out. My parents then called a marriage Couciling session as per their demand. There my father-in-law placed totally wrong acquisitions against me, all of which were proven wrong during this period I discovered that I'm pregnant and my condition is pretty weak. Scared for safety of both my baby and myself I moved back to my parent's house. The marriage councilor suggested a seperate arrangement for my husband and myself from my in-laws. However, my husband is arguing that he can not afford that as he has a house building loan on him. On the other hand both my in-laws are still working. He visits every week and provides all my medical bills. I'm really scared for the future of my baby and myself. Please do suggest what should I do?