Query regarding my flat sale

Hi sir, I have property in Indore,flat and I am having loan on that now it is agreed between us that as original registration document is with my current bank from where I took loan. Can we do the registration on four of buyer and once registration done then his bank from where he is taking loan on submission of this that bank will give cheque of amount of which I have running loan on my flat. And later when my original (on which flat I purchased from builder) come once this cheque gets clear then they will provide rest amount cheque to me. Can I go ahead with this deal. Ex: total deal 17 lacs Buyer has paid me 1 lacs as booking. Buyers bank will issue cheque of 7 lacs (I am having loan amount on my flats) once the new agreement is submitted to them.then I will close my current loan . Once my loan will close then my bank will provide my current agreement in next 15-20 days and when I will submit the current agreement which is on my name then buyers bank will issue me 9 lacs cheque on my name. Please suggest I'm on same. Regards, Harsh