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accused for false rape and kidnap

I was in a relationship with a girl for last 4 years and we wanted to marry each other. But because of inter caste both our family were against us. So finally on 4th Jun last year we ran away and decided to marry. We did an affidavit marriage first and applied for register marriage. But when days passed she started quarreling with me a lot. We started fighting with each other also and she always threatened me of committing suicide and she attempted also. Then I thought it's better to be separate but she was not agree. When she started fighting more then enough I left her at one of her friend's home and I switched off my cell and hidden. Then she went back to her home and started threat my parents. But my parents didn't response so finally they went to the police and filed a false FIR of kidnapping and forcefully rape her. She involved my family also. She mentioned that my parents have threatened her to kill and tried to kill her too. Even she mentioned that one of my friend also helped me in kidnapping her. And also she mentioned that when I go out I locked her in a room and go out. In between I took her to the doctor once and after the diagnosis the doctor told that she has some psychic problem. Then he prescribed some medicine but she refused to take the medicine by saying that she is not mental. Now I have some evidence. The messages she send me after left her where she mentioned that whatever happened just forget and let's live together, she can't live without me, she wants to marry me, she loves me a lot, please come and take me to you. Even her brother send me some whatsapp messages to talk to her or else she will die. The day after we ran away their parents reported at police that their daughter is missing and after few days when they talked with her they withdrawal the FIR mentioning that they found their daughter. I have so many photos with her roaming outside at public places. I have some voice recordings of our private moments. please suggest me what should we do.