Termination notice during lock-in period but exit at the end of period

Hi, I am currently a tenant in a flat between 01/08/2016-30/06/2019. My lockin period for the flat is 6months (ending 31 January) and notice period is 1 month. Can I give notice on 31 December to exit the flat at 31 January without any additional charges? Below is the clause from the agreement: Both the parties have agreed to set a lock-in period of 6 months during which neither the Licensor shall ask the licensee to vacate the premises, nor the licensee shall vacate the premises on his own during the lock-in period.In spite of this mandatory clause, if the licensee leaves the premises for whatsoever reason, he/she shall pay to the Licensor license fee for the remaining lock-in period at the rate of agreed upon in the agreement. On the other hand, Licensor shall compensate the Licensee for loss and inconvenience caused to the Licensee if he/she has been asked to vacate the premises. the Licensor shall be entitled to revoke and / or cancel the License hereby granted, by giving notice in writing of one month and the Licensee too will have the right to vacate the said premises by giving a notice in writing of one month to the Licensor as mentioned earlier.