Please give me some hope

I got married in 2011, since then she used to doubt on my character even if I talk to my friends also she use to doubt me. I use to bare all those and I was living compromising life with her in 2014 we blessed with a child since then she increased torture like coming to office and checking my phone even she started telling that I have a extra marital relationship with the persom whom I call sister, later she took extreme step that she took my phone and called one of my customers family and told that her daughter is in relationship with me another big issue was happed at that time it went till police station we got settled the things and later my wife did a false suicide attempts and stared blackmailing me that she will give trouble to all ma friends and sisters family by filing case on me and them so I have sent her to her home and I left my home we were separated for 3 years and I was jobless for one and half year recently got a good job now she and her family came and blackmailing the same saying that they are going to file a case on me and spoil my carrier if I don't stay with her please provide me some advice.