Reply to Pleader Notice (related with Hindu marriage act Section 9)

On Nov 3rd, I received a Pleader notice through an advocate and asking me to reply within 15 days. I am not sure what to do and how to reply. Summary of the letter is following: (1) I request you to kindly reside with your husband at his house with your children. (2) My client intend to meet with you and his son and daughter, but you do not allow to meet him with his children. (3) To meet with his son and daughter, my client has legally right to meet with them. You can not object / disallow him to meet my clients. (4) As per hindu act section 9, my client has every right to meet his son and daughter, but you always denied to meet my client request. My client has every / legally right to keep his daughter with him. (5) I once again request you to kindly allow your husband to meet with his daughter otherwise your husband has every right to knock the door of proper court. ......,,,,,,brief summary---- married 2000, one son 15 years, one daughter 5 years / living at my parents home since April 2018 as he is quite regular to the prostitutes and now My son also knowing it, so no points of staying together/ earlier I was knowing that and thinking that my son doesn't know this and so wanted to take any steps after class X board exam of my son/ earlier I allowed him to bring the kids alone also but later police advised me not to do that. So I am still okay if he wants to meet kids in front of me