Regarding Divorce

Hi, I m writing regarding my brother's case where in he got married three and a half years ago and all the wedding expenses were also borne by my dad and my brother's wife left the house and went to her parents house almost a year after wedding and in spite of elders n my brother's attempt to bring her back she refused to come back and she has a whole lot of complaints against my brother and also doubts against him and my parents which is actually not true and worth. She has fought with my brother many times and even once left the house during midnight 2 am throwing away the mangala sutra and behaved very badly. When we had been to her house to get her back she spoke against everyone, even after the elders of her village came and advised her to go to husbands place she denied. After all this my brother filed a divorce and its almost like more than two years, she does not attend the sessions and when she comes she has a new lawyer and this time she has filed some new charges against my brother and she needs compensation of 20 lakhs etc etc and in the whole thing they did not spend any money even for the wedding, she does not want to come back and live with my brother also, and she is taking revenge by doing all possible things along with her lawyer like new new charges etc and not letting the case solved also. I really feel very bad for my brother, for no mistake of his he is suffering so much. Please can some one let me know as to how can this be sorted out legally. Thank you.