Termination from job - An Injustice on your soul

In 1980 My Father Was Terminated from BARC( Atomic Energy) Mumbai - After completion of 19 years service. Reason cited were very petty ( Grocery owner Debt Balance/Owing a radio repair shop.. ) At that time financially we were very bad and could not afford legal help and hence had to drop idea of legal opinions. Finally out of sheer financial frustration we had to move to our native for bread and butter My self was very small in age and didnt understand impact of this sudden blow Now my father currently 76 years old is going thru Lots of ailments ( parkinsons/BP/Paralysis) Since last 35 years he is going through hell and not able to understand what was his fault for which he was given such big blow.Can a persons life be ruined in such a manner.Our life is emotionally shattered and its almost 35 years still we are not able to forget this scar) His life is completely ruined not able to forget injustice ..No pension ..No financial support..just cries.. Iam not able to understand whose help should i seek.... When i see my father i feel a helpless son who could not retaliate injustice done over him. Is there a solution or should i treat this as a nightmare and leave it. Trust as on date we are not financial well off hence seeking free legal advice. Arvind- [deleted]