B.I.T chawl extended the area broken by BMC

From, B.I.T. chawl, Moti Shah Lane, Love Lane, Mazgaon, Mumbai - 400 010 To, The BMC, Mumbai. Dear Sir/Madam, I/We are the residents of the above said society, since last 37 years. The said building of a chawls are 100 years old which We can say that haven't been renovated from the BMC nor BMC was bothered to look after the said building. I/We had carried out some renovation work at our houses and also taken the care of a chawls too, by doing this some of have extended their living spaces, looking forward many people's have extended the area of their rooms, some have done 5 years back where some have done 5 months back. Now, as I said that many people's have extended their areas which BMC was bothered but now it came into the eyes of the BMC's officers, where it says that I/We have to cooperate them and resize the area of the rooms as before. I/We say that, why did not BMC's officers bothered when it the 1st renovation of extension of room area took place, what was BMC's officers up-to, where they waiting for all to do the same extension, and if now all had done that extension now why BMC is bothered about the area, markings, etc. I/We say that if the 1st work was been stopped by the BMC's officers no other work of extension should have taken place. I/We kindly request you to take a fair judgement and allow us the extension to be kept of the rooms. Thanking you,