Administrative matter

sir, I was working in the previous year 2017 at the Kendriya vidyala of IIT Kanpur as a contractual teacher. In the previous year government of India circulated the information that all teacher those are Bed and working in primary schools have to do six months course from NIOS( national Institute of open schooling) for that I paid 5 thousand fees also. In this course school principal had to verified credential of teacher by on line mode that she/he is working under that school. but my school principal had not verified my record on line but he made through off line mode. I requested to NIOS accept this but NIOS declined on this and informed me that they have set procedure they can not work beyond this. At the end I reported this matter to MHRD, KV Sangthan< PMO office but none of the achived rather than the paper work. I need your kind advise that 1. where i shall report this matter 2. if i opt for course shall i go for high court or for t the tribunal court. pls note I worked there as a contractual employee.advice me pls.