Hearing and speech impaired husband - divorce one leg short wife

Sir My question is : 1. If my brother files for divorce – Is there any special provision in Hindu marriage act for a hearing and speech Impaired person who wants to seek divorce on base of cruelty in courts of Chennai, and latter if the wife of my brother goes back to her mother’s place at Madya Pradesh and may transfer the case to Ujjain and contest there ,and also may put new dvc complaints in Ujjain, my brother cannot travel alone , he needs assistance to communicate with others, Its very very difficult for my brother to appear for the case at Ujjain , so Is there any special judgement / provisions / section in Law pertaining to such disabled person as my brother who is suffering from Hearing and Speech loss , which is in favour of him to retain the case in Chennai and contest till its logical end. Background of marriage : I write from Chennai (Tamilnadu) on behalf of my younger brother who was born deaf and dumb (Hearing and speech Impaired) 110 % db loss in hearing can only understand very very simple English if the conversing person stands in front of him and speck slowly in English with simple regular words he reads the lip movement and tries to understand what the other person wants to say.. he does not know any other language. In 2003 my brother was married to a well speaking girl from Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) without any defect in communication, reason to marry was that the girl had small leg on right side, and walks with little jerks , Seeing both such disability the parents decided to get them married and all the above defects were explained and accepted by both the families. After marriage a male child was born out of the wedlock, who has no defect and is normal in total and now he is studying in 9 th standard. My brother and his family is living separately in fist floor and I and my family live in second floor, with two separate kitchen. Its 2018, now the wife of my brother is refusing to live with my brother for reasons disability of my brother, quarrelling with him and also with me and my mother. She is mentally torturing my brother , who is helpless to it , she throws steel glass, vessels and other things on my brother and other family members and threatens to give police complaints and further take action. My brother is now in a state of mental illness and is not willing to live with his wife.