Can a shop owner claim co-ownership rights on our entire property along with us?

Can a shop owner claim co-ownership rights on our entire property wherein our dilapidated incomplete building stands only in part of our property? We have specified in the sale deed that the purchaser's undivided and impartible interest and ownership of the land and all easements there to shall be proportionate to the floor area of the shop divided by the whole building situated on the said land. The hotel project approved in 1980 comprised of Ground + 3 floors and basement. We had completed Ground + 2 ( only columns on 2 floor) skeleton structure in 1985 and thereafter unnecessary hurdles created by Municipal council, Planning development authority, tenant led to the present state & condition of the building. We had been granted occupancy for 6 shops on the ground floor on the front side of the building in 1993. 3 shops on the ground floor were sold at the time of construction. The rear portion of our property was kept for car parking for our Hotel Project which was approved in 1980 but could not materialize on account of our renewal license kept in abeyance by the Municipal council for no reason asking us to produce the final judgement (Appeal at Tribunal by the tenant) of a litigation of one of our tenant in the old building. So we had no option but to wait till the dismissal of appeal. And now when we applied for renewal of license and engaged our engineer to prepare a plan for further construction we came to know about the deteriorated state of the building. Now the Municipal authority has declared the building as dangerous and unsafe to the passer- by and occupants. They have been advised by the experts to demolish the building as it could collapse anytime. This shop owner was informed about the deteriorated condition of the building and was given a proposal prior to all court proceedings but he along with some other occupants did not co-operate. These occupants had filed a civil suit seeking temporary injunction on the notice of demolition issued by the Municipal council. Their injunction was dismissed by the trial court. Their appeal was also dismissal. Thereafter they preferred a writ petition before the high court which was also dismissed. Their main suit is also dismissed. Now if the building is demolished due to public safety by the Municipal council can this shop owner claim undivided right in the rear portion of our property which was reserved for car parking for our Hotel Project approved in 1980 in case reconstruction is taken up after its demolition. If reconstruction is taken up on account of new building rules, the building size will reduce due to road widening and setback Norms. So we will have to utilize the car parking space which was reserved for our hotel project for reconstructing the new building. We have not mentioned about car parking in the sale deed. So what I want to know is whether he is legally entitled to the rear area reserved for car parking or if his undivided interest in the land is restricted only to shop